The Designerex Platform allows you as a Renter or a Lender to get in touch directly with each other through the messaging feature. To reach out to your Renter or Lender, simply Log in, and click the ‘Message’ button that appears next to their name and profile picture.

If you are a Renter looking to Book a dress, or you have an existing booking with a dress owner, and have further queries, please visit the 'Renting' Section in our FAQs for more information. 

If you are a Lender looking to contact your Renter or have any further queries to do with Lending and your dress listings and bookings, please visit our 'Lending’ section in our FAQs.

If you have any other question or query that is not answered in our FAQ's, please contact our Customer Care team at (United States) or (Australia). Our Team are available to assist you with any enquiry Monday - Friday during normal business hours.